(English) LAMASOL is a cold applied rubberized bitumen emulsion, dark brown in color. It dries to form a black flexible coating.

Key Features.
- Solvent-free
- Economical
- A good water-based alternative to traditional primers
- LAMASOL complies with the requirements of JS 1193, ASTM D 1227 Type III Class 1, and ASTM D3747 Type I.
Packaging Information.
(English) LAMASOL can be supplied in:
- 20-liter drum
- 200-liter drum
Application Field.
- General Waterproofing: For use on concrete (exposed or below ground), cement, roofing felt, mastic asphalt, and corrugated iron, as a water and moisture barrier.
- Metal Protection: Provides protection against corrosion of pipes, structural steelwork, and other metallic equipment.
- Insulation: Provides weatherproofing layer when used overexposed insulation, in conjunction with a lightweight non-woven glass fabric or saturated polyester mat or jute. Also used as a vapor barrier when applied on concrete surfaces below the insulation.
- Adhesive: Highly effective as an adhesive for woodblocks, insulation boards, expanded polystyrene, and cork panels, or as a plaster bonding agent on difficult surfaces.
- Priming: LAMASOL is diluted with an equal amount of water and used as a primer in a single coat to enhance adhesion between the substrate and waterproofing sheet membranes.
Application Method.
- Stir LAMASOL to homogeneity & apply by brush the first coat at a rate of 0.50 – 0.75 kg/m².
- To ease application, dampen the applicator before and during use.
- Allow the first coat to dry.
- Apply the second coat at the same rate and right angle to the first coat.
- Don’t use if rain is expected or temperature to drop below 0 °C within 2 hours after finishing the application.
Note: LAMASOL can be applied on damp or dry surfaces.