(English) RUBBERCOAT is a cold applied bituminous rubberized solvent-based compound of a very high elasticity (modified with Styrene Butadiene Styrene – SBS), black color, highly adhesive, capable of forming a damp-proofing layer that can effectively provide an excellent seal against penetration of moisture.

Key Features.


  • Excellent and full adhesion to concrete surfaces.
  • High elasticity. Withstands expansion, contraction and structural movements.
  • Self-repairing in case of a little puncture.
  • Moisture resistant.
  • Easy to use for repairing tanks, provides good adhesion to old layers.

Packaging Information.

(English) RUBBERCOAT is supplied in a 20-liter drum.

Application Field.


  • RUBBERCOAT is used for sealing areas where space is small to allow free movement, such as corners, under tanks and pipes, around bolts, etc.
  • It can provide a quick and easy solution where leakage of water is expected.
  • It is used to protect foundation, bathroom and kitchen floors, and roofs.
  • For steel structure surfaces protection, it is used as a single elastic coat, protected by double white coats of LAMACRYL.

Application Method.


  • Application surface should be free of loose concrete, dirt or dust. Also, it should be completely dry.
  • Stir well the coat in the drum before application.
  • Using a stiff brush, apply a thin layer to the surface ensuring that no spot will be left uncoated.
  • Allow good ventilation to the application areas. Avoid vapor inhaling.  Avoid any source of fire or sparks.
  • After the coat is dry to touch (within 1 hour), cover or spray with talc or powder to protect from sticking.
  • The RUBBERCOAT should be protected from direct sunlight because rubber can be affected by the U.V.